1175. Management of superficial vein thrombosis 1184. Hemophilia B molecular pathogenesis and mutation analysis 1196. Anticoagulation management during multivessel coronary artery bypass graftin…
893. Human platelet IgG Fc receptor FcyRIIA in immunity and thrombosis 909. Dysfibrinogemia from molecular anomalies to clinical manifestations and management 920. Does the response to aspirin a…
347. Active metabolite concentration of clopidogrel in patients taking different doses of aspirin results of the interaction trial 353. Real world variability in dabigatran levels in patients wit…
505. Recombinant soluble thrombomodulin in severe sepsis a systematic review and meta analysis 508. Recombinant human soluble thrombomodulin in severe sepsis a systematic review and meta analysis…
699. Anemia predicts thromboembolic events, bleeding complications and mortality in patients with atrial fibrillation insights from the RE-LY trial 708. Risk of ischemic stroke associated with non…
1728. Minimal factor XIII activity level to prevent major spontaneous bleeds 1737. In silico evaluation of limited blood sampling strategies for individualized recombinant factor IX prophylaxis in…
2115. Effect of late prophylaxis in hemophilia on joint status a randomized trial 2125. Reversal of apixaban anticoagulation by four factor prothombin complex concetrates in healthy subjects a ran…
1241. Novel insight into the regulation of coagulation by factor V isoforms, tissue factors V isoforms tissue factor pathway inhibitor and protein s 1251. Diagnosis of acute pulmonary embolism 12…
1055. Incidence of intracranial bleeds in new users of low-dose aspirin a cohort study using the health improvement 1065. Predictive performance of the CHA2DS2 VASc rule in atrial fibrillation a …
1443. Balancing risk and benefit in venous thromboembolism trials concept for a bivariate endpoint trial design and analytic approach 1449. Hemophillia A and hemopholia B focus on arthropathy and …