977. TB-402 For the prevention of venous throboembolism in orthopaedic surgery: something new and promising or not 980. CD4 + T Cells in atherosclerosis regulation by platelets 991. The physiolo…
671. The importance of the excellence in the quality of anticoagulation control whilst taking vitamin K antagonists 674. Antithrombotic treatment in patients undergoing transcatheter aorotic valve…
Oral Abstract session Emergency and critical care Oral abstracts session Growth Development Oral Abstract session Hemato ocology Oral abstracts session Nephrology Oral abstract session Neonatology
65. Iron metabolism, iron deficiency and anaemia from diagnosis to treatment and monitoring 75. Erythropoietin abuse in sport 78. Application of haemocytometry in combination with reticulocyte co…
373. The interaction of thrombin with blood platelets 386. Oxidative stress in blood platelets from schizophrenic patients 392. Functional interaction of carbonic anhydrase and chloride / bicarb…
1. Seroprevalence of antibody to hantaan virus in human and rodents in yogyakarta 3. Evaluasi penetapatan fraksi HbA2 dan HbF metoda high performance liquid chromatography 13. Pemeriksaan aktivit…
1. Uji western Blot sebagai Uji Konfirmasi HIV 6. Prevalansi Petanda serologik virus hepatitis E pada tersangka hepatitis angkut 13. Petanda ganas (antigen karsinoembrionik, korionik gonadotrpin …
3. Upaya penentuan nilai rujukan beberapa parameter hematologi 13. Kegunaan pemeriksaan ureum dan kreatinin dalam mengevaluasi adanya gangguan fungsi ginjal pada penggunaan antioksidan N Asetilisi…
56.Identification and enumeration of nucleated red blood cells in perpipheral blood 63. Evaluation of the automated immature granulocyte count (IG) on sysmex XE - 2100 automated haemotology analys…