1. Masalah etika dalam teknologi medis 11 Uji hipotesis 25 Parametrik dan nonparametrik 29 Pearsons chi square test 35 Uji T 45 Uji anava satu arah
4 Stasiun I (Pendaftaran, anamnesa, pemeriksaan darah tekanan darah dan nadi istirahat) 6 Stasiun II (Antroprometri, skin fold analysis) 9 Stasiun III (Kecepatan reaksi, koordinasi) 19 Stasiun I…
Paket 1 UKMPPD : 18 Saraf dan perilaku, 23 Kepala dan leher, 25 Mata. 27 Endokrin dan metabolisme Paket 2 UKMPPD: 275 Pembahasan paket Paket 3 UKMPPD Kunci jawaban paket 3
Bab 1 Pengaturan Fungsional tubuh manusia dan pengaturan "lingkungan dalam" Bab 2 Sel dan fungsinya Bab 3 Pengaturan genetik sintesis protein, fungsi sel dan reproduksi sel Bab 4 Transpor zat me…
1722 The unique contribution of ion channels to platelet and megakaryocyte function 1733 Activated protein C reasons to believe 1736 Activated protein C modulates cardiac metabolism and augments …
1979. Phase III studies on novel oral anticoagulant for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation a look beyond the excellent results 1988. Contemporary managementof primary immune thrombocytopenia…
2215 Regulators of G protein signaling role in hematopoiesis megakaryopoises and platelet function 2223 The evolution and value of bleeding assesment tools 2230 Anticoagulants in cancer 2242 Reg…
2418 The future of glycoprotein VI as an antiihrombotic target 2428 Von willebrand factor the old the new and the unknown 2438 Air pollution, vascular disease and thrombosis linking clinical data…
2 Platelet based coagulation different populations different functions 17 Bronchoalveolar hemostasis in lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome 26 Plasminogen receptors and their role…
223. Coagulation and cancer biological and clinical 234.New developments in the area of factor XIII 245. Laboratory assesment of the anticoagulant effects of the next generation of oral anticoagu…